Prof. Dr.
Dr. Andreas Wieser is a full professor of Geosensors and Engineering Geodesy at ETH Zurich. He has over 15 years of experience in academic research and teaching from various positions held at the Vienna University of Technology, Graz University of Technology and University of Calgary. He also worked in industry as a product manager for GPS-based tolling. His research interests are geodetic monitoring, digitization of reality, ubiquitous positioning, parameter estimation and quality control.
Position im NFS Digitale Fabrikation
- Valens Frangez: 3D-Formbestimmung und geometrische Qualitätsbewertung für die digitale Fabrikation
NFS Publikationen
Geometric Feedback System for Robotic Spraying (2022)
- Datum: 01.12.2022
- Autoren: Valens Frangez, Nizar Taha, Nicolas Feihl, Prof. Dr. Ena Lloret-Fritschi, Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias Kohler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
Assessment and Improvement of Distance Measurement Accuracy for Time-of-Flight Cameras (2022)
- Datum: 01.01.2022
- Autoren: Valens Frangez, David Salido Monzú, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
Depth-camera-based rebar detection and digital reconstruction for robotic concrete spraying (2021)
- Datum: 01.12.2021
- Autoren: Valens Frangez, Prof. Dr. Ena Lloret-Fritschi, Nizar Taha, Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias Kohler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
Surface finish classification using depth camera data (2021)
- Datum: 01.09.2021
- Autoren: Valens Frangez, David Salido Monzú, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
- Datum: 01.10.2020
- Autoren: Valens Frangez, David Salido-Monzú, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
- Event: 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2020) (virtual)
- Bemerkungen: Additional Notes": Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the conference was conducted virtually.
Geodetic Monitoring of Digitally Fabricated Structures Early After Construction (2020)
- Datum: 14.04.2020
- Autoren: Valens Frangez, Eugenio Serantoni, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
- Event: FIG2020 Working Week: Smart surveyors for land and water management (cancelled)
- Bemerkungen: Conference cancelled due to Corona virus (COVID-19)
Numerical structural identification of a cross-laminated timber slab using 3D laserscanning (2018)
- Datum: 01.01.2018
- Autoren: Eugenio Serantoni, Marcel Muster, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser
- Event: 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2018)
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