Date: 07.10.2020, 09:00 - 07.10.2020, 16:45

Parity Talks V: Actions and Accountability


Welcome by Sarah M. Springman, ETH Rector, Christophe Girot, Dean D-ARCH & the Parity Group




Brady Burroughs




Petra Van Brabandt (Engagement)


Khensani De Klerk & Solange Mbanefo


Jane Hall


Workshop Introduction





  1. ETHics: Building a culture for speaking up. This workshop is aiming at addressing structural issues around (gender) discrimination, hierarchy, miscondu ct, and works toward proposals to tackle these. Curated by Samira Lenzin, Edoardo Signori, Torsten Lange with An Fonteyne, Philippe Block feat. Els Silvrants-Barclay
  2. Table manners: Investigating structures of Critique. Challenging the unquestioned rules of the crit within architectural pedagogy and examining the specific physical, political and emotional spaces they create. This workshop is the first step of a long-term experiment on project presentation and assessment formats. Organized by Milena Buchwalder, Jeanne Casagrande, Lukas Fink, Simona Mele, Amy Perkins, Jeremy Waterfield, feat. Brady Burroughs
  3. Global networks of solidarity: beyond the school. Departing from the Parity Group as a movement internal to the school, this workshop seeks to expand the parity conversation beyond our school, to other schools,the profession and other disciplines. To consolidate connections with other groups and institutions but also into offices and the construction industry at large, both in Switzerland and abroad, the aim is to create new global networks of solidarity and common strategies. This workshop will address parity beyond the school at several levels: in other architecture schools, in the profession, in other disciplines. Co-hosted by the Parity Front (Charlotte Malterre-Barthes), Els Silvrants-Barclay, Elena Chiavi, Juliette Martin and Senta Fahrländer, feat. Petra Van Brabandt.
  4. Defining diversity: 100 questions. Architects reside within a larger community for whom we design buildings; this community is in itself diverse and the school should mirror this: This workshop seeks to define and address diversity and possible actions that would lead to an increased level of variety in the school student and faculty bodies, and in content from curriculum references to design norms in terms of gender, sexual orientation, geographic origins, ethnicity, social background and mobility. Curated by Benjamin Groothuijse, Shen He, Emmanuelle Farine, Paul Grieguszies, Linda Sjoqvist & Fami Shazi feat. Khensani de Klerk & Solange Mbanefo.
  5. Building Parity. The Parity Talks have, over the past four years, been fundamental in bringing topics around gender and diversity to the school once a semester. "Building Parity“ aims to expand the presence of these topics in time as well as in space, into the fabric of the school. The writing-workshop by architects Gianna Ledermann and Angela Schütz will introduce us to the skills and knowledge needed to leave traces in the digital realm, specifically on Wikipedia. According to German Wikipedia’s own statistics only 16% of all biographies are those of women and only 9% of content-editors identify as female. Together we will go in search of the reasons behind the gender gap, create new accounts, learn the rules of the game and contribute in writing the other sides of (his)story. Curated: Sonja Flury, Dorothee Hahn, Larisa Müllner, Lieselotte Düsterhus feat. Jane Hall, Gianna Ledermann & Angela Schütz


Final discussion with representatives from each workshop moderated by Maarten Delbeke



For further details see: