Project 3B: Continuous/Monolithic Construction - Onsite Manufacturing

Project 3B focuses on the use of mobile robotic systems to bring continuous production processes onsite. The researchers in this project plan to investigate the use of the Menzi Muck excavator and smaller legged mobile robots equipped with precise additive manufacturing tools. The excavator will prepare beforehand the terrain with landscaping works and foundations. The main challenges of the project will be to achieve a precise and robust large-scale onsite manufacturing process. The project aims to increase the efficiency and sustainability of building sites, by reducing waste resulting from formworks. The automation and digitisation of in situ concrete casting is particularly suitable for the Swiss market, which is dominated by onsite concreting as opposed to prefabrication.

Project 3B comprises the following work packages:

1) Concreting Strategies for Onsite Digital Fabrication

2) Onsite material

3) Drone-based probing of printed/sprayed concrete

4) Mobile excavator for mobile 3D printing

Principal Investigators