
COMPAS_RRC Workshop at ROB|ARCH 2024

In a three day hands-onworkshop tutors from the NCCR DFAB, Carleton University, and ABB introduced researchers to COMPAS_RRC and ABB’s GoFa collaborative robot line. The workshop was part of the international ROB|ARCH 2024 conference in Toronto, Canada.

Under the workshop title ‘Collaboration Between Design and Automated Fabrication: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Workflows in Architecture with ABB Industrial Robots Using COMPAS_RRC’, 15 participants spent five days with specialists discovering the power of industrial robotics and combining it with the freedom of modern Python-based software frameworks such as COMPAS.The COMPAS_RRC workshop was organised by Professor Sheryl Boyle, Adonis Lau and Philippe Fleischmann.

In 2023, NCCR DFAB robotics engineer Philippe Fleischmann travelled to Carleton University in Ottawa (Canada), where he worked with Professor Sheryl Boyle and her team to set up the COMPAS_RRC competence centre in Canada.

The ROB|ARCH 2024 conference brought together researchers to highlight the most important trends in robotic art and architecture, including rope robotics, 3D printing, human-machine collaboration and augmented making. This year's conceptual framework ‘Beyond Optimisation’ addressed the question of how we can reconcile the limits of the ‘computable’ with the incomprehensible entropy of the real world. As complex relationships require complex solutions, we need to go beyond sterile parametric models and face the chaotic, stochastic reality of the unpredictable. The conference was hosted by the University of Toronto (UofT) and Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) and took place at the University of Toronto’s Daniels Faculty.