NBP 2024 - #caschlatsch
NBP Research Leads:
- Oliver Bucklin
- Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström
- MAS ETH DFAB Students 2023-24
Extended Team:
- Ananya Kango, Simon Griffioen, Francesco Milano, Aurèle Gheyselinck, Alexandra Moisi, Joseph Kenny, Chen Kasirer, Gonzalo Casas, Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias Kohle
- MAS ETH DFAB 2023-24 Students: Amir Ali Amini-Aghdam, Benhur Baiju, Chia-Hsuan Chao, Joana Francisco Tomaz, Hamid Peiro, Junjie Huang, Paul Jaeggi, Jiaxiang Luo, Giacomo Montiani, Wataru Nomura, Panayiotis Papacharalambous, Sukhdevsinh Parmar, Kevin Seav, Gonzalo Seminario Garcia, Megi Sinani, Namdev Talluru, Kai Hsun Yeh
- Prof. Daniela Mitterberger (COMPAS_XR)
- Ziqi Wang (Task Sequencing and Allocation)
External Collaborators:
- Bearth Lenn AG
- Schilliger Holz AG
- Strabag AG Disentis/Mustér
- #dfdu AG (Stefan M. Seydel)
- Studio UH Architecs ETH SIA
- Nicolas Fehlmann Ingénieurs Conseils SA
- SFS Group Schweiz AG
- Bau & Holz
The #cachlatch project is a collaboration between Gramazio Kohler Research a team of experts from the Disentis/Mustér region, and the MAS ETH DFAB participants from 2023-24.
The project is a structure that pushes the boundaries of Digitally Fabrication timber construction, as both a demonstrator of research and innovations, and additionally as a novel model for academic, industry, and community engagement.
The project itself is a timber “folly” erected on a forgotten rocky outcrop above the Lukmanier pass, where the Caschlatsch castle once stood. The structure is not only intended to be a sculptural statement, but it is also a destination and attraction for hikers and members of the community.
The design for the structure was developed entirely with parametric tools, developed by students of the MAS ETH DFAB. The final design was first tested in collaboration with local partners using VR technologies. Then the developed design tools and the processes for collaborative human- machine assembly were executed in collaboration with construction partners. The technologies used enabled the team of human workers to retain control of the process and to ensure the prefabricated modules would come together precisely when assembled on-site with the assistance of helicopter lifting and placement.
Project Links: