Nccr dfab dr


Dominik Reisach

Dominik Reisach is an architectural and computational designer with a special interest in digital fabrication and traditional craft. He has taught as a teaching assistant at the Chair of Computer Science in Architecture at Bauhaus University Weimar and at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Dominik worked for architecture offices in Germany and Denmark, focusing on computational design, sustainability, and upcycling. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Munich University of Applied Sciences and a Master of Science in Architecture from Bauhaus University Weimar. In his thesis, he developed an integrated workflow for the design and robotic fabrication of free-form timber structures using waste wood. Since October 2022, Dominik is a doctoral student in the NCCR DFAB at ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture.

Work Topic

In his research, Dominik is developing algorithmic design tools and digital fabrication processes to repurpose stone waste with irregular geometries for architectural applications in existing buildings.

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

PhD Researcher

NCCR publications

External URL(s)