NCCR Digital Fabrication week on #NCCRWomen!

Head over to YouTube or Instagram (English, German or French) every day this week to see a new DFAB woman featured in the #NCCRWomen campaign. From knitted sculptures to robotic arms via molten metal, we'll be showing you just some of the activities that go on within our NCCR on a day to day basis, and the women who are behind them.
To celebrate Women’s Day 2021 and the 50th anniversary of women's right to vote in Switzerland, all 22 NCCRs across Switzerland are working together to publish a series of videos showcasing their women researchers. The videos are targeted at women and girls of school and undergraduate age to show what day to day life as a scientist is like and make it more accessible. Each NCCR is hosting a week where they publish several videos covering multiple scientific disciplines, from 8. March until 31. October.