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Chaoyu Du


Chaoyu Du is an architect and designer with interests in digital fabrication, computational geometries, data analytics, and the history of 20th-century modern architecture and engineering. She completed her diploma in architecture at Tongji University (M.Arch) and a dual Master's degree in Urban Design at Technical University of Berlin (M.Sc). In 2018, she came to ETH to pursue her passion for digital fabrication and completed the Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Digital Fabrication. After the MAS, she joined Gramazio Kohler Research. In April, 2020, she joined Block Research Group. Before coming to the Switzerland, Chaoyu collaborated with the architectural offices TJAD and ECADI in computational design and construction drawings.

Work Topic

Hilo Funicular Floor System Computational Structural Design I, II

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

Alumni: NCCR Intern

External URL(s)

