Portrait ML 2020


Michael Lyrenmann

Michael Lyrenmann is the head of ETH Zurich's Robotic Fabrication Lab, leading a team of technicians supporting research in digital fabrication and architecture. With expertise in carpentry and IT, he combines his knowledge of computer-controlled processes and application development in his current role. Previously, he worked at a small IT firm creating customized hardware, electronic, and cloud-based solutions for clients. He also served as lead technician for Gramazio Kohler Research at ETH, overseeing the establishment of the first industrial robot-based research environment in architecture. Michael collaborated with industry partners and researchers on research and integration projects during his time at ETH. He played a key role in conceptualizing the RFL, working closely with Güdel and ABB on initial drafts and designs.

Work Topic

Robotic Fabrication Lab

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

Lead Technician


Robotic Fabrication Lab


+41 44 633 03 43