Zong Ru WU450x450



ZongRu Wu


ZongRu completed the MAS Architecture and Digital Fabrication program in 2018. He believes in democratizing manufacturing for everyone, empowering experts and non-experts with new technologies of digital design and additive manufacturing to realize creative ideas efficiently. Focusing on balancing design freedom and fabrication constraints, he has been developing a (design) program for all users to integrate fabrication early in the design process. He is confident that creativity can be materialized through this process, bringing together creative thinking, craftsmanship, humanity, and additive manufacturing technology. ZongRu is currently based in Rotterdam, cooperating with The New Raw on computation design and material research for robotically extruded 3D printing in architecture with recycled plastic materials.

Position im NFS Digitale Fabrikation

Alumni: MAS Student

Aktuelle Arbeitsstelle

The New Raw / Senior Architect; world-architects.com / Content Manager China

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