
Prof. Marco Hutter interviewed on robotics for search-and-rescue

RSL Arche

Twenty years after 9/11- NCCR Digital Fabrication and NCCR Robotics Investigator, Prof. Marco Hutter has been interviewed by SwissInfo on how robotics can be used for for search-and-rescue missions.

"I think after 9/11 there was a realisation of how difficult it is to work on search-and-rescue robots, which is probably one of the most difficult and unstructured fields of robotics."

Extremely unstructured and chaotic environments, such as the New York or Fukushima disasters, are critical situations where technology can be usefully deployed. Through studying, understanding, and developing technologies that can help in such extreme cases, robotics for complex environments (such as construction and industry sites) can also benefit.

SwissInfo: The world needs technologies that can contain disasters