Picture nccr minniti

Maria Vittoria


Maria Vittoria Minniti


Maria Vittoria Minniti received her bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Catania and her master degree in Robotics and Automation Engineering at the University of Pisa. She is now a PhD student at the Robotic Systems Lab (ETH, Zurich), where she is working in the field of control for mobile manipulation applied on underactuated robots.

List of publications:
Whole-body MPC for a dynamically stable mobile manipulators, MV Minniti, F Farshidian, R Grandia, M Hutter, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2019 4 (4), 3687 - 3694

Work Topic

Maria Vittoria Minniti is working in the field of motion planning and control from mobile manipulation. So far, her main work platform has been a robot balancing on a ball with an arm mounted on top. Her current focus is oriented towards controlling such a robot to achieve autonomous tasks, such as localizing itself and manipulating objects.

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

Alumni: PhD Researcher

NCCR publications