Mascaro Palliser
Ruben started his PhD at the Vision for Robotics Lab, lead by Margarita Chli, in October 2018. He holds both Bachelor and Master degrees in Industrial Engineering with specialization in Robotics and Automation from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. He has previously worked as a software engineer in the automotive industry and as a research assistant at the Automatic Control Department (ESAII) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. His main interests are vision-based localization, mapping and higher-level scene understanding algorithms for autonomous robots.
Work Topic
Ruben's research focuses on leveraging object recognition methods to augment robotic localisation and mapping. He is also involved in developing the perception pipeline for manipulation of objects using the HEAP excavator.
Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication
Object-Aware Mapping in Construction Robotics