Bonanomi marcella



Dr. Marcella Bonanomi


Marcella, architect, PhD, works at the intersection of academia and industry to develop new forms of processes and organization for and due to the advancement of digital technologies. She is active in lecturing at conferences and events, having already published several articles about BIM and digital transformation. Marcella has also authored three books covering topics across knowledge management, sustainability, and digitalization. Some of her industry experiences include consulting the Innovative Technology Development team of Stantec, one of the top Canadian AEC firms, and the R&D BIM team of Lombardini22, a large Italian multidisciplinary design firm. From 2018 to 2020, Marcella has been working as a research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction at ETH Zurich.

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

Alumni: Associated Researcher

Current position

Researcher at the Polis Lombardia (Regional Research Institute in support of Lombardy's Policy-Making)

External URL(s)