Profile NCCR 450x450



Dr. Minu Lee


Minu Lee started working as a research assistant at the Chair of Concrete Structures and Bridge Design in September 2016. He gained first practical experience as an intern in structural engineering in two engineering offices in Zürich. In summer 2016, he completed his Master’s degree in Civil Engineering at ETH Zürich with distinction. His Master’s thesis «Structural Safety of RC Bridge Piers under Train Impact» was awarded the ETH medal.
In February 2018, Minu Lee joined the NCCR Digital Fabrication as a research assistant. He successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled "Concrete structures with stay-in-place flexible formworks and integrated textile reinforcement: an exploration of the design space and mechanical behaviour" in December 2022.

Work Topic

Minu investigates on potential approaches for reinforcing concrete structures with complex geometries using integrated flexible formworks.

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

Alumni: PhD Researcher

NCCR publications


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