Vera Voney completed her bachelor in material science at ETH Zurich. After an exchange semester at EPF in Lausanne, she conducted her master thesis at EMPA in Dübendorf in the field of solar cells.
In December 2016 Vera Voney joined the chair of sustainable construction and began work on alternative binder materials for powder based 3D printing of structural elements.
On April 12, 2022 Vera Voney successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Mix Design for Binder Jet 3D Printing with Alternative Materials”.
Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication
Alumni: Associated Researcher
NCCR publications
Low Tech Waste 3D Printing (2022)
- Date: 10.08.2022
- Authors: Dr. Vera Voney, Filippo Schenker, Anastasija Komkova, Coralie Brumaud, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Event: 18th International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2022)
- Notes: Conference lecture held on June 21, 2022.
From casting to 3D printing geopolymers: A proof of concept (2021)
- Date: 01.03.2021
- Authors: Dr. Vera Voney, Pietro Odaglia, Coralie Brumaud, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
Powder bed 3D printing with quarry waste (2020)
- Date: 01.11.2020
- Authors: Dr. Vera Voney, Pietro Odaglia, Filippo Schenker, Coralie Brumaud, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Event: World Sustainable Built Environment (BEYOND 2020) (virtual)
- Notes: Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the conference was conducted virtually.
Geopolymer formulation for binder jet 3D printing (2020)
- Date: 01.01.2020
- Authors: Dr. Vera Voney, Pietro Odaglia, Coralie Brumaud, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Event: 2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (Digital Concrete 2020) (virtual)
- Notes: Due to the Corona virus (COVID-19) the conference was conducted virtually.
Advances in Binder-Jet 3D Printing of Non-cementitious Materials (2020)
- Date: 01.01.2020
- Authors: Pietro Odaglia, Dr. Vera Voney, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Event: 2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (Digital Concrete 2020) (virtual)
- Notes: Due to the Corona virus (COVID-19) the conference was conducted virtually.
Powder Bed 3D Printing with Geopolymers (2019)
- Date: 01.03.2019
- Authors: Dr. Vera Voney, Pietro Odaglia, Dr. Gnanli Landrou, Coralie Brumaud, Dr. Andrei Jipa, Dr. Isolda Agustí Juan, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Event: 2nd RILEM Spring Convention & International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS2019)
Digitalisierung als Chance für Nachhaltigkeit (2018)
- Date: 01.11.2018
- Authors: Dr. Isolda Agustí Juan, Prof. Dr. Alexander Hollberg, Dr. Vera Voney, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
Geopolymers for inorganic binder in 3D printing application in construction (2017)
- Date: 14.07.2017
- Authors: Dr. Vera Voney, Dr. Gnanli Landrou, Dr. Andrei Jipa, Pietro Odaglia, Dr. Isolda Agustí Juan, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Event: II European Geopolymer Network