Nik 450 450

Eftekhar Olivo

Nik Eftekhar Olivo

Nik studied architecture at ETSAM, UPM (2011-17) and music (Cello, 2000-12). In 2014 he did an exchange at TU Darmstadt. He has worked in architecture offices in Hamburg and Madrid. During his master thesis he investigated 3DP lightweight foam-core facade composites. He completed the MAS DFAB in 2019, during which he participated in the Robotics Atelier organized by the Norman Foster Foundation. He has worked at Gramazio Kohler Research as research assistant to bring Mesh Mould to industry, and specialized in big-scale robotic 3DP working at Nagami. Currently he researches the architectural applications of Hollow Core 3DP (HC3DP) as part of the NCCR in the chair of Digital Building Technologies. His interests lie in the intersection between architecture, computational design and innovative robotic fabrication techniques.

Work Topic

PhD student at the chair of Digital Building Technologies researching Big-scale robotic 3DP with recycled polymers. He researches the architectural applications of a novel 3DP method based on tubular extrusion (HC3DP) and further enhancement of thermal and optical properties through custom nozzle design.

Role in the NCCR Digital Fabrication

PhD Researcher


Hollow-core 3DP (HC3DP) für Fassadenanwendungen

NCCR publications

External URL(s)